Business Intelligence (BI) |
Take advantage of actionable business insights, driven by analytics, to control and share organizational knowledge. This sharable single version of the truth promotes more informed, timely decisions enterprise wide. |
Collaboration and Document Management |
Optimize productivity, accuracy, and accountability using collaboration technology to automate and standardize business processes. You can leverage content management, workflows, enterprise search, and internal and customer facing portals to improve your competitive posture, corporate agility, and your bottom line. |
Cloud and Office 365 Solutions |
Cloud computing allows you to take advantage of technology that is hosted remotely, delivering anytime, anywhere, any device access to critical work-knowledge. Cloud computing offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model (expense vs. capital outlay), on-demand scalability (up and down), and ease of implementation and rapid deployment (time-to-market). |
Healthcare - A Perfect Storm Brewing? |
The uncertainties impacting the health ecosystem have been top of mind for all stakeholders - providers, payers, patients, and society as a whole. With the rules of engagement changing constantly - ARRA/HITECH, Meaningful Use, and 5010/ICD-10 Mandates to name just a few - inevitably the conversation turns to identifying which enabling technologies are essential for providing an integrated, sustainable solution. |
Information Request Form
Items available by request:
online demo
assessment review
solution case studies
topical white papers
product fact sheets
skype session
For more information about Unicon Group Ltd.:
call 636.394.2012 or email us.