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LOUISII and/or BETTERII foundation training :


DURATION: Sixteen Hours of instructor guided training delivered onsite or via the Web

PREREQUISITE: Individuals should have a basic understanding of data processing programming concepts or have programmed in a third generation (COBOL, C, etc.) and/or fourth generation (ORACLE, SQL, etc.) language. Students should be familiar with a BULL text editor and file naming conventions.

OBJECTIVES: Instruct users to effectively use LOUISII and its many features. This is accomplished through web-based instruction, lecture, and hands-on lab work.

  • Familiarizing the student with Quick Reference (Q-Ref) files
  • Creating basic ad-hoc queries emphasizing the power of PRINT, WHERE, SORT commands
  • Building and permanently saving LOUISII queries
  • Creating advanced LOUISII reports by incorporating Report Subsystem enhancements, including page and column headings; page footings; control breaks that summarize numeric data; and the inserting of editing symbols
  • Setting and overriding LOUISII defaults
  • Processing two files at the same time with the Relate Subsystem
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